About US

About US

There is a gap in the provision of comprehensive integrated health services to women. .The discrepancy in the provision of quality women’s health care between the different primary health care settings, in addition among main cities and the poorer regions in Jordan are even more challenging.
This project in line with the governments of Jordan National Agenda 2025 which focuses on ensuring economic growth and decentralization through family planning ,decreasing maternal and newborn mortality . Jordan integrated SDG indicators within its operational development plans, related to social welfare; health care, poverty reduction and education as prescribed in the Jordan 2025. In particular this project concerned with the following SDG targets:
Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
Initiative's Target Group: Women through their life cycle approach (childhood, adolescent, reproductive and elderly age).
Project overall objective: To create a unified platform to implement an identified criteria and best practices to scale up women’s health care in Jordan to a comprehensive approach for implementing the Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent health that ensure quality health services to women through life cycle at the primary health care facilitie

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