
The Women’s Health Improvement Project emerged from a vision of Her Royal Highness Princess Aisha bint Al Hussein to promote excellent health care for Jordanian women through the Women’s Health Improvement Project in southern Jordan. The project’s goal is to strengthen institutional capacities at the national level to deal with women's health and develop a plan to establish a distinct health center. For women and defining a plan to provide comprehensive health services and promote women's health patterns Reproductive Health Program.

• A program to take care of healthy women and women of wisdom age.

• A healthy child care program.

• Adolescent Care Program.

• Proper nutrition program. Psychosocial care program. Early detection of cancer program (breast cancer, cervical cancer). Osteoporosis Screening Program.

• A program to reach service recipients in their whereabouts through mobile clinics, field visits, awareness programs, and a women-friendly health centers project

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