
Irbid campaign

2020 Date: Dec 21-20 Event

  • Pregnant, postpartum and pre-natal care. family planning.
  • Early detection of breast and cervical cancer.
  • Early detection of osteoporosis and anemia Detection of acute and chronic diseases of both sexes and children through a family medicine specialist.
  • Detection of eye diseases, examination of eye pressure and visual defects, from short or long age of 14 years and above for both sexes through advanced devices, dispensing the necessary treatment when needed and dispensing medical glasses ophthalmology
  • The campaign includes conducting laboratory tests for children, women and men participating in the campaign, the United Nations Population Fund.Campaign participants
  • United Nations Population Fund.
  • Shami Eye Center.



# مكان الحملة تحميل الملف
1 حملة محافظة البلقاء (06-10 حزيران 2021)
تحميل الملف
2 حملة محافظة العقبة (14-18 شباط 2021)
تحميل الملف
3 حملة محافظة اربد (22-20 كانون الاول 2020)
تحميل الملف
4 حملة مأدبا (29 تشرين الثاني -2 كانون الاول 2020)
تحميل الملف

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