The Jordanian Strategies Forum issued a policy paper entitled "Policies for dealing with Corona in Jordan: alternatives and future steps," where the paper sheds light on policies for dealing with the epidemic, ways to manage the current Corona crisis in the short term, and how to adopt preventive methods in the future. Among the doctors and public health experts, they are: Dr. Saad Al-Kharabsheh, Dr. Azmi Muhafaza, Dr. Raeda Al-Qutb, Dr. Zaid Baqain, Dr. Anwar Batiha, Dr. Hashem Al-Jadou ', and Dr. Youssef Al-Qaoud. As the paper worked to present a set of recommendations that would help the Jordanian government in dealing with this virus. Regarding the policies needed to deal with the disease, the paper indicated that dealing with the virus requires a mixture of policies aimed at preventing the spread of the disease by reducing the rates of contact among the population. And reaching the affected cases to isolate them and provide treatment to prevent them from transmitting the infection to others. In addition, disease control requires raising the efficiency of the epidemiological investigation to ensure that any potential hotspots of the epidemic have been reached. In this context, the paper specifies that the policies for dealing with the epidemic depend on four main axes, namely, community health awareness, which is the level of people's awareness of how it is transmitted Disease, sterilization methods, and community divergence to protect against Coronavirus infection, in addition to the efficiency and level of comprehensiveness of the epidemiological investigation, which includes the government's ability to conduct medical examinations for the Corona virus to the largest number, and access to the largest base of infected people, contacts and the general community, which enables identification of epidemic foci and access The unknown centers and the focus of therapeutic interventions for infected cases to treat cases infected with the renewed Coronavirus, and the provision of health infrastructure in terms of beds, intensive care units and artificial respirators, in addition to the presence of clear medical protocols to enable doctors and workers in the sector to deal with those infected with the renewed Coronavirus. As for the fourth axis, it is non-medical and drug governmental interventions, which include adopting a non-medical intervention strategy with the aim of dealing with the epidemic by reducing contact rates, which is the epidemic curb strategy that aims to permanently end the transmission of infection and bring the number of patients to zero, or the strategy to mitigate the spread of the epidemic. Which aims to slow the spread of the epidemic as much as possible through means of social distancing and not necessarily stop its spread. The forum stated in its paper that controlling the Corona pandemic requires strict measures and has economic costs, but the spread of the epidemic will lead to a health crisis that will have negative social and economic repercussions, Therefore, it is necessary to work to curb the disease and enable the economy to maintain the continuity of some activities to mitigate the subsequent economic and financial impacts. This means reaching an approach that can be coexisted with for long periods so that the laboratories can develop the necessary vaccine. In this context, the Strategies Forum presented a number of recommendations aimed at supporting the great and wise efforts that have so far followed in managing the crisis, which includes the formation of sub-committees from the Main Health Committee Supervising the follow-up of the Corona file from public health experts and epidemiological diseases to analyze data and read the reality in order to provide the main committee with the necessary recommendations to manage the crisis. He also stressed the importance of activating and framing the public-private partnership to deal with this crisis, especially with regard to epidemiological investigation teams, treatment, various awareness campaigns, and creating a permanent mechanism for consultation and employing the capabilities of the private sector during this crisis. The Forum paper emphasized the importance of data in helping to understand a deeper understanding. The Corona pandemic in Jordan, where the paper emphasized the need to provide information even if that data is raw (raw data) for specialists from the Ministry and outside it (universities and others) in order to analyze it and draw conclusions while preserving the principle of privacy of the injured and the principles and charters followed in this context. Community health, the paper recommends working to raise the awareness of citizens and direct public behavior as much as possible towards promoting social distancing practices, reducing crowding in public places, in addition to limiting social events and gathering in them (such as: pre-places and mourning homes). In addition to the necessity to legalize remote work, move forward with legislation governing e-commerce and automate public and private services. The paper also recommended working to raise the citizens' awareness of the need to follow a healthy lifestyle that enhances the body’s immunity by avoiding smoking, exercising and eating foods that contain minerals and vitamins that enhance the functions of the immune system. On the level of the epidemiological investigation, the paper recommended that an examination of a representative segment of society be carried out to determine the extent of the problem. The real thing is to formulate a strategy to confront Corona accordingly. It also recommended employing technology to track the injured and their contacts and find out their disease history. Here, it is possible to benefit from the experience of the "Hakim Medical Computing" program to obtain statistics about patients' medical history and identify the patients most at risk. It also indicated the importance of examining laboratory samples for all acute pneumonia patients that hospitals refer to to investigate the presence of disease cases among them regardless of their previous contact with proven disease cases of the renewed Corona virus, and this would improve the epidemiological monitoring process and ensure that the disease does not spread among members of society with The need to focus on hotspot areas, in addition to developing a mechanism by the Ministry of Health and the concerned authorities to follow up any developments to hedge against the return of the Coronavirus in the post-crisis phase. As for therapeutic interventions for patients currently infected with the Coronavirus, the paper emphasized the importance of treatment.
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